Edmonds Growth Targets
Snohomish County Tomorrow (SCT) Planning Advisory Committee develops the 2044 population and employment targets by jurisdiction.
Edmonds is projected to grow by
- 13,113 Population
- 9,068 Additional Housing Units
- 3,058 Jobs
However, Buildable Lands report (BLR) evaluates the existing capacities within the city and future land supply to accommodate the projected growth.
Per BLR, Edmonds has an existing capacity of 5,000 units and 2,500 jobs approximately. So, our comprehensive plan update needs to explore opportunities to accommodate 4,000 housing units and 500 jobs for the next 20-year growth.
Washington State has implemented new House Bills.
HB1110 - Increasing middle housing in areas traditionally dedicated to single-family
detached housing.
HB1337 - Expanding housing options by easing barriers to the construction and use of
accessory dwelling units.
HB1220 - Supporting emergency shelters and housing through local planning and
development regulations.
These house bills play a significant role for planning the future growth.
Click here to view the GROWTH TARGETS summary
Click here to view Growth Targets in detail with assumptions and methodology for ADUs and Middle Housing units.
Click here to view the METHODOLOGY MEMO for the land capacity analysis
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