The City of Edmonds wants to help Edmonds Businesses Survive COVID. This site provides tools and links and will be updated as we get more information to share with you. If your question is not answered on this website or if you just want to talk to someone about your business, please call our business hotline at 425-275-4823.
This link provides information for both businesses and workers. As guidelines are updated, they are posted here. Because guidance evolves, we recommend checking back each week to look for updates.
Helpful Information
Local, State and Federal Grants for Businesses
- NEW!!!! The City of Edmonds is offering up to $10,000 grants to those businesses most impacted by the COVID-19 economic crisis and that have received the least financial assistance to date. Click here for more information and/or to apply by 11/22/21.
- The State of Washington is offering low-interest "Flex Fund" loans to small business grants up to $150,000. Click here for information.
- The Small Business Administration's COVID relief site has links to loans, grants, and information about debt relief.
- The State of Washington Commerce Department has a StartUp Washington web portal with links to business tools and resources, and state, local and federal grants and loans. It is easy to navigate and comprehensive.
Business toolkit
The State put together this very helpful business toolkit that focuses on a successful reopening. It has advice on communicating with returning employees, customers and downloadable stickers and flyers to place in and around the business to make customers and employees alike feel confident about the reopening.
PPE for your business
The state has a form to request PPE so you can prepare your business to safely reopen. Here is the link.
What customers want
We deployed a survey of customers to see what they need/want to get back to shopping and dining. We had more than 1500 responses. We have the general responses and then segmented the responses by women and men and over and under 50.
Summary of General Survey
Supporting Summary Women under 50
Supporting Summary Women over 50
Supporting Summary Men under 50
Supporting Summary Men over 50
Percentages of People Willing to Return to Businesses
How to measure commercial occupancy
Click here for step-by-step guide.
Which mask for which task
Download this simple, easy-to-understand hand out to see what mask your employees and your customers need. It's from the Washington State Department of Labor and Industry.
Return to work resources
The Washington State Department of Employment Security has a useful Q and A for both workers and employers about what to expect when people return to work. It includes questions like, "What if my employee doesn't feel safe?"
Welcome your customers with Informative Posters/Flyers
We want Edmonds residents and visitors to feel confident about visiting our local businesses. We worked with Edmonds Downtown Association to create these posters that list the state guidelines for each business type that we will print for you to post. We will distribute posters, or you can print yourself:
More helpful links
- Small Businesses Association Disaster Loan Assistance | Apply Online
- Washington State Department of Commerce COVID-19 Information for Businesses: WSDOC
- Employment Security Department Information for Workers & Businesses Affected by COVID-19 | ESD | Eligibility
- Coronavirus and DOL Services | DOL