Bike Parking Requirements

This code change addresses Edmond's bicycle parking needs . Currently, bicycle parking standards do not apply to city-wide development.

The proposed change establishes when  bicycle parking is required in multifamily and non-residential development.


This change is one of many strategies recommended in the City's Climate Action Plan to help reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT). VMT is a metric used in transportation planning to measure the cumulative mile traveled by all vehicles in a geographic region over a given time period. Finding alternative transportation modes to reduce VMT help lower the amount of greenhouse gases released in the atmosphere. 

Cycling is a prime mode of alternative transportation. Eliminating barriers to cycling, like adequate locations to park bicycles, help increase ridership. 

What's Included

These changes establish specific requirements for the number of bike parking spaces needed in multifamily and non-residential development.

These standards are separated into two standards:
- Short-Term Bike Parking: spaces intended for less than 4 hours of use
- Long-Term Bike Parking: spaces intended for more than 4 hours (overnight)

The changes also establish general requirements indicating where and how they should be installed.