Comprehensive Plan, the city’s primary policy document that outlines a long-term vision and provides direction for future growth and development over the next 20 years.
The Plan includes goals and policies for several elements, including Land Use, Housing, Transportation, Economic Development, Community Design, Climate, Capital Facilities, and Utilities.
Published below is the document that is approved by the council considering public comments and the Planning Board's recommendations. A Public hearing was held on Dec 10th before the final decision was made.
Video recordings of these council sessions can be viewed here.
Final Comprehensive Plan—Adopted December 17, 2024
As part of this, a future land use map(FLUM) is developed that provides preliminary information regarding the land use designations, types of buildings in each zone and proposed heights.
Please note that this is different from the zoning map. An official zoning map will be developed no later than 6 months which must be compliance with the FLUM.
Click here to view the FLUM and a reference table.
Click here to download a high resolution FLUM
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The City is required to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to carefully evaluate potential effects of the actions we are considering as part of the Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update.
The Draft EIS was published in September 2024 demonstrating the potential impacts of three alternative growth strategies on water resources, plants and animals, population-employment-housing, land use, transportation, public services and utilities. The Draft EIS also provides mitigation measures for identified impacts and summarizes whether there are significant unavoidable adverse impacts.
DRAFT EIS:City of Edmonds_2024 Comprehensive Plan Update
A 30 day comment period was open to receive input from the community and other stakeholders and the Final EIS document got published on Dec 9th reflecting the feedback received, along with responses to the public comments received in early December.
Final EIS - Published December 9th