December Updates
Check for the next round of testing. In Edmonds, they have scheduled another drive-through testing event for Dec. 8. Please check Verdant Health for details.
We are back to statewide COVID-19 restrictions. Gov. Inslee made the announcement Sunday, Nov. 15. Here is an easy-to-understand summary of what these restrictions include.
Snohomish Health District has opened a call center to answer all questions - M-F 8:30 am - 4:30 pm They can answer questions related to testing, route calls for those businesses reporting a positive test result in their workforce, or to help those without internet access or needing language interpreter services. Call: 425.339.5278.
Daily case counts are here.
COVID and the Workplace: Excellent and informative blog from the Snohomish County Health District
Edmonds School District provides free flu shots: Here is information about scheduling
Snohomish County provides child care support: FAQs about the program:
Help for residents
- Washington State has an Eviction Moratorium until Dec. 31, so you can not be evicted for non-payment of rent. You still owe your rent, so please contact the resources on this list to apply for help. If you receive an eviction notice, or are being harassed for non or late payment, you can fill out a complaint form with the State's Attorney General and they will investigate.
- 211 is the community resource line for multiple resource needs. Please note, with so many people in need right now, it is taking 1-2 weeks to get a call back.
- Edmonds Human Services Resource guide, please visit for a full list of resources, or call Human Services Program Manager, Mindy Woods @ (425) 563-8348.
- Edmonds Housing and Supplementary Relief Program: This is for Edmonds residents in need of financial help with rent/mortgage/motel, utilities, food, medical bills, child or respite care or gas. Apply at: or call Mindy Woods, Human Services Program Manager @ (425) 563-8348
- St. Vincent de Paul, Holy Rosary Church: for financial assistance, food, motel vouchers and other resources, please go to or call (425) 778-3122
- Domestic Violence help: Snohomish County Domestic Violence Services, or (425) 25-ABUSE
- COVID-19 information and test sites: [email protected] or call (425) 339-5200
- Edmonds Food Bank: or call (425) 778-5833
- Senior Services:
- Veteran's Services: please see the Human Services resource guide above
- Disability Services: please see the Human Services resource guide above
- College Student Services: please see the Human Services resource guide above
- Mental Health/Suicide help:, Snohomish County Crisis Line 1 (800) 584-3578, Crisis Text Line 741741, National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1 (800) 273-TALK (8255)
- Housing Instability and Homelessness: please see the Human Services resource guide above
- Healthcare Workers/First Responders: please see the Human Services resource guide above
- Small Business Resources: please see the Human Services resource guide above
- Currently, due to COVID-19 safety protocols, all shelters are at a limited capacity to provide safe distancing and protections for the staff and volunteers. The We All Belong Emergency Cold Weather shelter is currently only able to accept 16 people, so there are efforts being made to find alternate locations throughout South County to accommodate unhoused people when the temperatures activate the emergency shelter. For information, please visit:
- YWCA Pathways for Women Homeless shelter for women and children: Currently the shelter is full with a 2-6 month wait list, but please call if you need help and would like to get on the list. (425) 774-9843
- Showers/laundry access: Jean Kim Foundation Hygiene Center for unhoused people is open 7 days a week at (the old emissions center) 19726 64th Ave W, Lynnwood, 98036. The restrooms are accessible from 8am-8pm, and the showers are available from 10am-6pm.
Help with utilities
If you need assistance in paying your energy bill, the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) makes energy payment assistance available to residents of Washington through a network of community action agencies and local municipalities.
- Visit the state Department of Commerce's LIHEAP page for information on how to apply.
- Puget Sound Energy has an energy assistance program to help residential income qualified customers.
- Snohomish County PUD has launched the Community Support Plan to help residential and small business customers struggling to pay their electric and water bills.
Best site for just about everything!
This Snohomish County site is a fantastic clearinghouse for community support like where to get food, data like where and how many COVID cases we have each day, and opportunities to do even just a little bit to make someone else's life a bit better.
Order of the Secretary of Health 20-03
Face Coverings - Statewide
IRS Tax Credit for COVID
The IRS is opening up a series of tax cedits for both employers and employees. Information is on the website. Here's a quick infographic to see if you are eligible.
Also, if you took advances on your retirement fund to pay for expenses during COVID, you are eligible for tax credits. Here's a news release with more details.
Phase 2 Reopening
June 5, 2020, Governor Jay Inslee approved Snohomish County to move to Phase 2 reopening effective immediately. Read the Snohomish County Health District's news release here.
This means:
- Residents can gather with up to five people from outside their household each week.
- Restaurants can operate at 50% capacity and retailers can conduct in-store sales, with some restrictions.
- Barber shops, hair and nail salons, tattoo parlors and pet groomers can reopen, too.
- Places of worship are allowed to hold in-person services, weddings and funerals in line with physical distancing rules and size constraints.
- Camping and other outdoor recreation activities, such as biking and climbing, can resume with limited group sizes.
- Nannies, house cleaners and real-estate firms can also return to work.
Information for Businesses
If you are a business, we have a dedicated page for you - Edmonds Businesses Reopen
Information for Residents
Our $450,000 Housing and Supplementary Assistance fund continues to disperse money.
Grants of up to $1000 go toward households earning no more than 60% of the Snohomish Median Income. Learn if you are eligible at the WellSpring Family Services site.
Parks information
The following additional Parks and Rec facilities are open, with restrictions:
- The Dog Park
- The Skate Park
- Outdoor sports courts, including
- Tennis/pickleball courts
- Basketball courts
- Petanque
- Sand Volleyball
Yost Pool is closed for the summer.
Sunset Avenue between Edmonds and Caspers Streets remains closed to through vehicle traffic and parking for now.
For detailed information about Edmonds Parks, Facilities and Programs, check out the Parks page
Other questions
Where can I get tested?
This Sonohomish County Health District page has detailed information about locations, drive-thrus, symptoms, and appointments. It is updated frequently.
I have a question that isn't answered here.
Please contact us via the community liaison portal.
- Updated information from Snohomish Health District can be found on their blog here
Other Snohomish Health District Information:
General Information
Frequently Asked Questions
Schools & Childcare Providers
Healthcare Providers
Elder Care
Community Organizations
People with COVID-19
Case Count Information
Reporting Violations of the Governers Proclamation
Information provided by Snohomish Health District WWW.SNOHD.ORG